As mentioned time and again doctor-stvol.com, the balanced scorecard is a managerial tool that should not be left for use in just the corporate setting. This is something a lot of today’s industries would certainly attest to. In fact, the field of medicine has already realized how important the impact of the balanced scorecard is in terms of the performance and the efficiency of the field of medicine as a whole. This is precisely why there have been a lot of medicine metrics developed, for the industry to choose from. After all, medicines will not be leaving the scene anytime soon.
You have to understand that developing a reliable system of such metrics will not only increase trust amongst the consumers, this will also foster the speedy healing or curing of ailments and illnesses. Looking at things from this perspective, how then can you say that the manufactured medicines are indeed guaranteed to work on today’s different ailments and health conditions.
Extensive research is probably your best bet for a correct and accepted answer – in the sense that you would say that much research has been done regarding the effectiveness of the distributed medicines even before they were distributed to the consuming public. But really, do we have any idea of knowing the truth beneath this? Are the manufacturers behind these medicines telling the truth about these medicines?
With metrics for medicines outlined and implemented, chances are, the instances or occurrences of people getting sick would be somewhat diminished. Why? This is because only medicine of high quality would be distributed because the usage of metrics here would eliminate the ones that are not of standard quality. Following a chain reaction, medicines of high quality are then better able to cure people in a more thorough fashion. Similarly, the patients would not need to take medicines for extended periods because the medicines themselves would work faster. As the wheel turns, you would soon see the occurrences of people getting sick significantly diminishing.
Looking at the stats and figures, it has also been indicated how the ratio of medical professionals to the public is steadily rising each year. This is a strong indication that doctors would depend on the existence of high-quality medicines more and more. With the need to accommodate more patients, doctors will then have to up their performance and diagnose each patient they evaluate faster .
Though this does not mean that the doctors can neglect their responsibility of giving their patients thorough checkups and evaluations. But with the implementation of the right metric system, doctors would then be able to prescribe the right medicines faster. And as long as this is done properly, then the patients would then be prescribed the medicines that they need, leaving more time for doctors to inspect other patients.