Choosing the right career is a very difficult decision. There are many promising careers in the world but to pick the one that suits your capabilities is the key to success. With the help of personalized career personal astrology reading, one will get an understanding of his birth chart and the planets that influence his career options the most. For example, natives with strong Mercury would do well in professional fields where he can put his enhanced communication skills to best use. Professional fields like writing, teaching, journalism, editors, career in human resources and sales. Mercury is the lord of Gemini and Virgo and natives born under these signs are natural negotiators with high intellect.
As per Vedic astrology, the mighty Jupiter influences career related to finance, law, religion, education and children. Jupiter is the Lord of Sagittarius and Pisces and hence natives would preferably do well if there professional choices are revolving around the above options. Individuals with a strong Sun, the powerhouse, would shine in the spheres where leadership and authority is most vital. Politicians, leaders, administrators and government employees born under the sign Leo would be successful in their respective careers.
Personalized career astrology clearly mentions that Moon, the second luminary, the Lord of Cancer, favors a person to climb the success ladder in professions related to nursing, marine industry, import, export and public dealing. On the same lines, planet Mars is the lord of signs Scorpio and Aries. A strong Mars according to free career astrology means a promising career in military, defense, police, fire and weapons related industry. A native would get ample opportunities in the above mentioned fields.
The beautiful planet Venus is considered the symbol of beauty, creativity, sex and entertainment. Hence, if Venus is strong in the natal chart then careers related to Venus will be suitable for the native. Professional growth in drama, movies, beauty products, designing, art, music, entertainment industry and sex industry would be high.Saturn represents hard work, discipline and perseverance. It is the lord of sign Capricorn and Aquarius. Hindu astrology says that individuals with a strong Saturn will have an inclination towards occupation related to mining, real estate, agriculture, labour, construction business and other laborious work.
Shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu also favour certain careers. If a native has a strong Ketu, then his inclination towards spirituality, religion, occult science and research whereas natives with strong Rahu would do good in medicine, drugs, stock trading and gambling.
Success in career is a measure used by many to evaluate a person’s worth. With increasing competitiveness and materialism, each one of us hopes to climb the career ladder. Gone are the days when finding a befitting career was only limited to men. In today’s world, women are as ambitious as men and they want to walk shoulder to shoulder with men. free astrology reports made especially for you, is the guide that can show the correct path in not only choosing the apt career but also in achieving success and in making your dreams come true. So choose wisely!